Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Technical Difficulties

So we have done a lot since the last post. Marge was here for another couple of days and then we went to Matt's grandparents lake house for a while. But, when we got home from the lake and we were uploading all 600 pictures (I promise I wasn't going to put all 600 on the blog), our external hard drive crashed. And to make matter worse we had not done a back up for a while. So the hard drive is at the computer doctor.

I will update everything when we get things working again, hopefully soon!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fouth of July Fireworks!!!!

We had a exciting 4th. Marge came out on the 1st to spend some time with her cute grandson. She got to spend some grandma and me time while Matt had some work to do at school and I was busy trying to finish SDOT's budget at work. Good news is my group successfully turned in a $325 million budget on time and I didn't have to work the holiday!

Friday morning, Dave, Christian and Rian drove up from Portland to spend the holiday weekend with us. Since Seattle has one of the top five firework shows in the US (according to Time Magazine) on Lake Union we all went over to enjoy the festivities. We got to Gas Works Park at 12pm to get a prime location. There was a bunch of cool stuff for the kids to do. They had a huge jumper slide, which Daniel could have gone on all afternoon, kite making, a juggling station, face painting and a crocodile inflatable moon walk/jumper. We ended up staying at the park though nap time so we wouldn't have to find parking places later in the day. By the time 7pm rolled around, the park was packed and we still had 3 hours until the fireworks.

Gas Works Park averages about 40,000 people at the park to view the show. At 10pm (it's only been dark for about 15 min. at this point) a Chinook helicopter flies around the park with a huge American flag hanging down. The firework show is shot off of two barges in Lake Union with the show lasting about 20 min. Both Rian and Daniel stayed up to watch and were memorized by all the colorful fireworks.

We posted all of our pix here on our PicasaWeb page.

We ended up staying around the house for the rest of the weekend because I had a bladder infection that was getting worse even though I was on medicine. I ended up with getting a 103 fever on Saturday. So while I was resting and starting some new meds, Daniel got to play with Rian and everyone at the park and in the jumper in our backyard.